Tuesday, July 22, 2008

These hands could have stopped you


These hands along with these arms could have brought you back.

This poem doesn't mean anything until people I don't understand give
it meaning.

Those times I spoke wrong, I guess I forgot who I was and who you were
and what that meant.

What DOES it mean?

If the silence scares me, I'll ask the questions no one can really
answer. Not quite rhetorical, just really big and vauge and subjective.

I like writing. I truly do! I like writing it down for you to see. I
like exposing everything and every part of me to anyone at all.


I am an open-source human being.
I dare you to fuck around with my code, work on me until I am good as

(total number of puns in this blog to date: 2)

(total number of intentional puns in this blog: 1)

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