Friday, October 10, 2008

I tried, and I try. and Im smiling.

Love! what are you? who are you? are you even there? its inside me. love, that is.

Its ok.

Im in a band and im lucky. Women have loved me, and Im lucky. a few still do, and im lucky. I have bashu, and im lucky. I have music, and im lucky. everything will work out.

Thursday, October 9, 2008



That feeling,

Hmm. How to put it.

Listen to "Paper Tiger" by Spoon. Now, when you get to the part where
he says "and I will be there with you when you turn out the light."

Alright. So that feeling right there, that's what im trying to say. I
love you! I love so many people and so many ideas. I chase what makes
me feel closer to that moment in that song. Selfish, sort of. Being on
stage and being with you. What does it have in common? Feeling like
you are finally understood. Like you are getting across exactly what's
in you, deep down.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Currently playing:


marvel vs capcom 2 when i can get it working... and... err...

FFTA2 for ds.


Also im playing a show this saturday at The Mermaid's Mug at 7pm. 5$ at the door, BE THERE!

Monday, October 6, 2008

"I want to live a life of romance and adventure!"

"There's no such thing as romance and adventure. Just desire and trouble. It's desire that gets you into trouble."

Sunday, October 5, 2008

"Dwell on uncomplicated beauty: The landscape, the sun on your face. Nothing touches you. Keep the image of your death cheerfully before you at all times. Gain perspective. Seek to clarify and comfort, not to obscure or mystify. Your aspirations are pointless; your ambitions come to nothing."

Stolen from Hal Heartley