Saturday, November 21, 2009

alright so we are all responsible for finding meaning, and we all each individually get to decide what is meaningful. Ok I think I get that part.

now you get people bumping into each other. Hey, look at that person over there. s/he finds that meaningful, and not that. And that other person finds that other thing meaningful, but not that thing. And that person looks like they find everything meaningful, but you arent sure if they really do. And that person doesnt seem to find anything meaningful.

And here I am, trying to figure out which ideas and things I care about and which I dont. Most of the time, however, instead of figuring that out, I just spend my time trying to understand other people's choices about THEIR preferences.

AHA! then I look at one of theirs, and say, "NO, that one isnt a good one" and I see another choice and I say "YES, that one is a good one". So Im figuring out my meanings by looking at yours and yours and yours and interpreting how they make me feel. Hmm.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

my life is a finite amount of water. the world is an infinite amount of thirsty mouths, each crying out at me in different languages.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

all of the basic things I know about myself, I learned when I was 13 years old. IVe been interpreting that knowledge and trying to express it since.