Thursday, March 7, 2013

Something I wish I could say to people when I first meet them who end up leaving without explaining why:

"Hello. My name is Jesse. You are probably going to feel overwhelmed as a result of something I say or do. I want to apologise in advance for that. I have one favour to ask you. When you decide to leave, be it due to exhaustion, fear, discomfort, a desire for safety, or simply lack of interest, would you be willing to someday tell me why? Not the nice why, not the why we have been trained to say and hear and handle, but the dark, disgusting, soul-crushing truth that sometimes people simply decide to end a connection? Of course it breaks my heart when this happens, but that is what my heart does. it breaks. it breaks at the silliest times, it breaks so easily. I am tender and brash, I cannot take what I give. Please, please, please be honest with me. And when you aren't, please be honest afterwards, someday."

Monday, March 4, 2013

what if someone expressed the frustration at not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration of not being able to express the frustration as well as that person did?