Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Care about things
Care about things
you know you got to
Care about things

Care about people
Care about people
you know you got to
Care about people

Care about living
Care about living
you know you got to
Care about living

Sometimes it's hard
it's hard sometimes
Sometimes it's hard
it's hard sometimes

but don't give up
just keep on trying
and don't ask why
unless you like lying

around in your heard
all over your brain
just make things feel good
and avoid all the pain

you know, bad things feel bad
you know, good things feel good
you know what you must do
you must run from the should

This song is a lie
but at least it's trying
I'm looking, I'm blind,
I'm seeking; not finding

please don't give up
please keep on trying
I love you, you know
Unless I am lying

A lie is a truth
that you want to be true
I love you, you know
I don't care if that's true
I want it, it's you.

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