Sunday, September 20, 2009

"Balls"-ing and social experiments

Ok so a long time ago I had a computer in a public(ish) area. Sometimes people would use my computer to check their facebook. After doing so, they would close the window without logging out, or just leave the computer while still logged in. If I wanted to go on facebook, I had to log out of their account, then log into mine. I didnt like this, for some pretty dumb reasons. I felt as though someone had left pee in my toilet or something... I dunno. So whenever I saw that someone had left their facebook on, I would change their status to something involving the word "balls". "I LIEK TEH BALLZ", for example. This went on for a while. Some people thought it was funny, and tried to "Balls" me back, or balls other people. Some people were annoyed. I dont really do it anymore, but looking back on it, it sort of grew into something that operated independant of me- my mom was ballsing me, my friends were ballsing each other, etc. Its really interesting how people can spread ideas that take on a life of their own!

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