Friday, May 24, 2013

“[L]iberals insist that children should be given the right to remain part of their particular community, but on condition that they are given a choice. But for, say, Amish children to really have a free choice of which way of life to choose, either their parents’ life or that of the “English,” they would have to be properly informed on all the options, educated in them, and the only way to do what would be to extract them from their embeddedness in the Amish community, in other words, to effectively render them “English.” This also clearly demonstrates the limitations of the standard liberal attitude towards Muslim women wearing a veil: it is deemed acceptable if it is their free choice and not an option imposed on them by their husbands or family. However, the moment a woman wears a veil as the result of her free individual choice, the meaning of her act changes completely: it is no longer a sign of her direct substantial belongingness to the Muslim community, but an expression of her idiosyncratic individuality, of her spiritual quest and her protest against the vulgarity of the commodification of sexuality, or else a political gesture of protest against the West. A choice is always a meta-choice, a choice of the modality of choice itself: it is one thing to wear a veil because of one’s immediate immersion in a tradition; it is quite another to refuse to wear a veil; and yet another to wear one not out of a sense of belonging, but as an ethico-political choice. This is why, in our secular societies based on “choice,” people who maintain a substantial religious belonging are in a subordinate position: even if they are allowed to practice their beliefs, these beliefs are “tolerated” as their idiosyncratic personal choice or opinion; they moment they present them publicly as what they really are for them, they are accused of “fundamentalism.” What this means is that the “subject of free choice” (in the Western “tolerant” multicultural sense) can only emerge as the result of an extremely violent process of being torn away from one’s particular lifeworld, of being cut off from one’s roots.” 
― Slavoj ŽižekLiving in the End Times

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I wanted to write to you, but
but I feel this desire to emphasize that I respect your right not to be written to.
I'll leave it here.
The fort is good. feels like summer camp. The people are nice, they haven't given me a hard time for being so... you know. Haven't done any work yet, that's tomorrow. Seems like I could spend the next month getting paid good money to listen to godspeed and reflect.
I hope some day I will be able to relate to you my relationship with godspeed. I grew up religious, in a way. I don't like to talk about it much. The truth is, I found some beauty there, and sometimes I miss that beauty. That connection to the infinite, that sense of belonging or warm security.
My mother was my creator. My creator is dead.
Its so painfully obvious; there was a human who kept me alive and loved me with everything she had.
I grew up and took her love for granted, I grew up and resented her for her weaknesses, I grew up and...
and I gave up on her. I gave up on her and she didn't give up on me and she struggled and I survived and
and she's dead. fuck metaphors, she is dead. dead dead dead dead, dead.
Most people who see this part of me want me to change. They want me to "get better". I will not survive this unless I do so carrying "she died, and you gave up on her" branded on my hands, on my feet, on my arms and legs. Plastered on billboards when I look around. A series of words that will never leave me. If I can find out a way to live with it, then fine, I'll live for a while longer.
She at least deserves this. I will not forget.
I want you, I think. I want you to know that I have on some level broken my relationship with relationships. I want to find someone who decides that me the way I am is something they want to spend time around. Simple, yes. easy, no.

I want to sit around and make fun of love with you until we find some love has snuck up on us.
I want to feel as much pain as I damn well need to, and I, well this is the hard part.
you can't just tolerate it. you have to understand why it is important, and respect its importance.
That can happen from whatever distance you need, as long as it's happening.
Every minute we talk I feel like I am stealing from god.
I don't know anybody who wants to hear something like that, but...
Thank you.