Friday, June 10, 2011

from a conversation recently:

life is short, so I cant do anything, life is short, so lets start doing everything right now

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Here are some more drawings

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I wrote this right now, in a bed, in canton, north carolina, halfdrunk, wistful, listening to Horn Of Plenty by Grizzly Bear.

sometimes I think its tragic when the world doesn't seem as great as I want it to be.
Then I remember that imagining an ideal which is wonderful and amazing was made possible by this world.

funny thing, that.

Monday, June 6, 2011

I pieced this together from conversations with an old friend and reflections thereof:


how long have we been talking about how we shouldnt be talking about what we talk about?

I want to be able to say to you and the world, "I am on to something and I am pursuing beauty and I am doing what I love to do."

I want that to pass away and for things to just slide nicely

I would always be there for you, if you wanted me to.

I would always be there for you, thats why you dont want me to.

And the child in me screams "arent I worth it?"