Thursday, October 30, 2008

BIG show tomorrow. and Im singing! singing My Moon My Man of all things.

Monday, October 27, 2008

It feels so good

To step back

and wash some goddamn dishes.

It feels so right

To stop playng Warcraft 3

and clean my computer desk.

It seems so cool

To take a walk outside.

And yes, I feel better

Once ive played a little music.

And after a little music, it leads to a little more.

Then my hands hurt. Then my lips hurt. Then my throat hurts. Then I listen to some music, and maybe love some people. Then I feel better. Too many voices, too many thoughts, too many people saying to many things at too much volume, and I cant handle it sometimes! I wish the perfect person was here, so I could relax.

Sunday, October 26, 2008


don't lose sight?

Dont hide?

I like you better when you treat me nice.

Thats because Im a human, and thats what we do!

selfish?fuck yea!

I dont know.