Friday, March 18, 2011



of course we are gods;
we can imagine!

of course we are imperfect;
we can imagine!

of course we are disappointed;
we can imagine!

of course we are doomed to change;
we can imagine.

of course we are driven;
we can imagine.

Thursday, March 17, 2011


imagine the moment spent upon waking
the cusp between dream and consiousness
to know you are awake
to know you are awake and alive
to know that and nothing else
not who you are,
not where you are,
this place without names does not have a name.
it is

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


and the wind blew it down
it blue our love down
and the sky, blue, tried
to remind me of the times
that you said to me, and to you,
"I love you dearly"
like the wind, the sky, and your eyes,
you spoke so clearly
and your eyes, and the sky, and mine
are blue and feeling
and the times that would fly us around
were filled with feeling
it's a tribute, I make a sound
cause my mind is reeling