Tuesday, November 15, 2011

now that its broken
I suppose its time for building
now that its broken
I suppose its time for building

build till it breaks again
the cycle fulfilling
build till it breaks again
the cycle fulfilling

this time ill let go
this time but still care
this time ill start swimming
but not knowing where

what am I supposed to relax and accept
when breaking and building is all it is
what if it happens to everything except
that one part that keeps showing up

Monday, November 14, 2011

oh god I feel so inspired. I can do this. There is so much at once. I love you all.

You dont control the waves, you ride them.
When it takes me down, I'll breathe, and let it sink me.
And when it starts to rise, well, ill ride it high

and it will let me soar to wherever I want to go.