Saturday, December 27, 2008

This is basically awesome

Friday, December 26, 2008

someone once said their bed smells like perfection. I never smelled the little bits of plastic.

erm. my room is upgraded. I like it here. I should write more music now, hopefully. work. more hours=less of me doing what I love, less hours=debt. hmm.

yeah. Ive been having some really good late night conversations lately. I think things are going ok with that. Xmas started bad and ended well. I am loved by soo many people. Thank you everyone. And yet I look for more in the future. yeah. Adam green!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

sit around
whenever you want

Dont trust yourself
to find the good stuff out there

why do you want to hear about love?
why do you want to hear about hate?
why do you want to hear about sex?

consume all you can in this world
soo much will never reach you

but smile smile, always smile
let all you see teach you

I know why you want the sex
I know why you want the hate
I know why you want the love

and dont forget that thats ok.

Monday, December 22, 2008

I feel unsettled. I want things; I want you. Desire does that- unsettles me. I still enjoy a lot of stuff... I just dont feel satisfied. I once wrote that in order to be an artist you cant really ever be satisfied. I find myself saying ironic things.

I need to learn to be satisfied with never being satisfied.

just whatever you do, dont tell me to get over it. I would rather not suppress. I would rather fall in love blindly, arrogantly, selfishly, rudely, ignorantly. As long as im trying!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I need to measure myself by what I do.